Founded in 2008, the Penn State Center for Climate Risk Management (CLIMA) brings together scholars to catalyze transformative, integrated research on climate change, mitigation, adaptation, and decision making that transcends disciplinary boundaries and advances real-world climate risk management.

The main goals of CLIMA are:

  • To promote interaction among faculty, students, and staff in the growing interdisciplinary field of climate risk management (e.g., through seminars, workshops, research, education, tools, data, and outreach).
  • To inform the design of sustainable, scientifically sound, technologically feasible, economically efficient, and ethically defensible climate risk management strategies.
  • To support the advancement of research activities broadly connected with climate risk management.
  • To enable new insights into the Earth system in the Anthropocene.

CLIMA is generously supported by the Earth & Environmental Systems Institute (EESI), which is part of Penn State’s College of Earth & Mineral Sciences (EMS). Prior support for CLIMA was also provided by the Institute of Energy and the Environment (IEE) and the Rock Ethics Institute.

Visit our publications page to learn more about research by CLIMA members.