Establishing priorities for Pennsylvania community flood resilience

L. Iulo, A. Arora, L. Fowler, L. Goldberg, C. Helgeson, K. Keller, R. E. Nicholas, S. Sharma, N. Tebyanian, N. Tuana, and E. al.

January 2022

DOI: 10.31235/

This white paper provides an overview of priorities related to community resilience to flooding that emerged during a 27 September 2019 meeting with local, regional and state representatives in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania. The document compiles workshop details, participants and a summary of discussions and outcomes. It does not, however, attempt to provide a comprehensive listing of every topic raised by participants. In addition, this workshop was held before the advent of covid-19; the impacts of this pandemic are not addressed in this document.

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