Regenerative landscape design: an integrative framework to enhance sustainability planning - Ecology & Society

E. A. Smithwick, J. Baka, D. Bird, C. Blaszscak-Boxe, C. A. Cole, J. D. Fuentes, S. E. Gergel, L. L. Glenna, C. Grady, C. A. Hunt, L. D. Iulo, J. Kaye, and K. Keller

Ecol. Soc. (1 October 2023)

DOI: 10.5751/ES-14483-280405

Addressing contemporary environmental and social crises requires solutions-based, systems-level changes. To achieve these changes, transdisciplinary research approaches are needed to align problem framing with solution deployment at landscape scales. However, practical frameworks to guide this work are lacking. Here we propose a new framework to help bridge this gap: regenerative landscape design (RLD). We define RLD as a process for finding pattern-based solutions, emphasizing cooperative, iterative, and facilitated engagement for the co-production of locally relevant knowledge for desirable landscape stewardship. To do so, we review how key components of RLD (e.g., landscapes, design thinking, and regenerative processes) have been differentially and unevenly applied in disciplines ranging from resilience, landscape ecology, geography, architecture, agriculture, sociology, tourism, and more. We then put forward research considerations of a RLD approach to enhance social and environmental well-being. We use two emerging case studies (i.e., Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Pennsylvania, USA and Narok County, Kenya) to put forward pathways for implementation of the RLD strategy.

keywords: ecological solutions, global environmental change, land management, positive futures, resilience, social-ecological systems, sustainability science, sustainability transition

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